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English idioms

Муаллиф: Сапарбаева Асел Жолочиевна


Давомнокӣ: 45 минут

Teacher: Asel Saparbaeva

School: Zhorobek Satylganov – Ak-Talaa Rayon, Naryn Oblast

Topic:    English idioms

Grade: 10th form

Level: Intermediate

Objectives: 1) Students will be able to match English idioms with the pictures. 2) Students will be able to act out idioms, take short videos in groups. 3) Students will be able to identify the idioms after each group’s video presentation.

Materials and Equipment: Projector, camera, blackboard, chalk, 10 flipcharts ( idioms, their explanations and examples written), markers, and 10 pictures of  idioms (provided).








“The sun shines on ……” activity

Participants sit or stand in a tight circle with one person in the middle. The person in the middle shouts out “the sun shines on...” and names a color or articles of clothing that some in the group possess.

For example, “the sun shines on all those wearing blue” or “the sun shines on all those wearing socks” or “the sun shines on all those with brown eyes”. All the participants who have that attribute must change places with one another. The person in the middle tries to take one of their places as they move, so that there is another person left in the middle without a place. The new person in the middle shouts out “the sun shines on...” and names a different color or type of clothing.

Class- all students

5 minutes.



Teacher asks students:

  •  What is an idiom?
  • Do you know any idioms?

After students answers teacher shows the definition of idiom on the screen of the projector/ explains/ adds information about the idiom.

 An idiom is a figure of speech established by usage that has a meaning not necessarily deductible from those of the individual words.

 Then students will work with idioms.

 Teacher hangs 10 flipcharts on the wall beforehand.  There are 10 idioms with their explanations and examples written on the flipcharts. One idiom on one flipchart. Students work in pairs. Teacher gives each pair a picture depicting an idiom. Students  match the pictures with the idioms on the wall. After they match, each pair will present/ explain their idioms to other students. Other students listen and check.

  1. idioms:
  1. When pigs fly: something that will never happen, impossible, highly unlikely to happen.  Example: I asked my boss if I could go on a two month vacation, he said yes, when pigs fly!   I think he'll pay you back your money when pigs fly.


  1. You’re pulling my leg: to tease or joke with someone, often by trying to convince them of something untrue. Example: I love pulling my sister’s leg- it’s almost too easy to annoy her.  Don’t believe him. He is just pulling your leg.



  1. All in the same boat: in the same difficult situation as someone else. Example: None of us has any money, so we are all in the same boat. My sister failed her driver’s test, and I’ll be in the same boat if I don’t practice parallel parking.


  1. Feel like a million dollar: to feel well and healthy, both physically and mentally. Example: A quick swim in the morning makes me feel like a million dollars. What a beautiful day! It makes you feel like a million dollars.
  2. Once in a blue moon: Very rarely. Example: He used to call his grandma once a blue moon. Now that she has passed away, he regrets not making more of an effort to keep in touch.  
  3. It’s a piece of cake: A piece of cake refers to a task or job that’s easy to complete or accomplish. Example: I expected the English test to be difficult but it was a piece of cake..


  1. Under the weather: ill, sick, feeling unwell, sad or lacking energy . Example: My friends wanted me to go play with them at the park. However, I was feeling under the weather that day, so I stayed inside.


  1. Music to my ears: Something very pleasant to hear. Example: The news about my promotion is music to my ear.
  2. Lost at sea: to be confused about something or to feel unsure about what to do. Example: I am lost at sea with this new system at work. I just can’t understand it.
  3. Not one’s cup of tea: if something is not your cup of tea, it’s an activity you have no interest in, don’t enjoy or don’t do well in. Example: Camping is really not my cup of tea so I’m going to visit my friend in New York instead.

Group discussion and pair work

10 minutes



Teacher divides the students into 5 groups. Each group will be given 2 idioms. Groups will get ready to present these idioms by acting out and take short videos of their skit with their phones/ cameras, but without saying the idioms, they can use explanations or examples.

  1. group: when pigs fly, not one’s cup of tea.
  2. group: lost at sea, you are pulling my leg.
  3. group: music to my ear, all in the same boat.
  4. group: under the weather, feel like a million dollars.
  5. group: once in a blue moon, it’s a piece of cake.

Group work/act out/take short videos

10 minutes


Teacher: Asel Saparbaeva

School: Zhorobek Satylganov – Ak-Talaa Rayon, Naryn Oblast

Topic:    English idioms

Grade: 10th form

Level: Intermediate

Objectives: 1) Students will be able to match English idioms with the pictures. 2) Students will be able to act out idioms, take short videos in groups. 3) Students will be able to identify the idioms after each group’s video presentation.

Materials and Equipment: Projector, camera, blackboard, chalk, 10 flipcharts ( idioms, their explanations and examples written), markers, and 10 pictures of  idioms (provided).








“The sun shines on ……” activity

Participants sit or stand in a tight circle with one person in the middle. The person in the middle shouts out “the sun shines on...” and names a color or articles of clothing that some in the group possess.

For example, “the sun shines on all those wearing blue” or “the sun shines on all those wearing socks” or “the sun shines on all those with brown eyes”. All the participants who have that attribute must change places with one another. The person in the middle tries to take one of their places as they move, so that there is another person left in the middle without a place. The new person in the middle shouts out “the sun shines on...” and names a different color or type of clothing.

Class- all students

5 minutes.



Teacher asks students:

  •  What is an idiom?
  • Do you know any idioms?

After students answers teacher shows the definition of idiom on the screen of the projector/ explains/ adds information about the idiom.

 An idiom is a figure of speech established by usage that has a meaning not necessarily deductible from those of the individual words.

 Then students will work with idioms.

 Teacher hangs 10 flipcharts on the wall beforehand.  There are 10 idioms with their explanations and examples written on the flipcharts. One idiom on one flipchart. Students work in pairs. Teacher gives each pair a picture depicting an idiom. Students  match the pictures with the idioms on the wall. After they match, each pair will present/ explain their idioms to other students. Other students listen and check.

  1. idioms:
  1. When pigs fly: something that will never happen, impossible, highly unlikely to happen.  Example: I asked my boss if I could go on a two month vacation, he said yes, when pigs fly!   I think he'll pay you back your money when pigs fly.


  1. You’re pulling my leg: to tease or joke with someone, often by trying to convince them of something untrue. Example: I love pulling my sister’s leg- it’s almost too easy to annoy her.  Don’t believe him. He is just pulling your leg.



  1. All in the same boat: in the same difficult situation as someone else. Example: None of us has any money, so we are all in the same boat. My sister failed her driver’s test, and I’ll be in the same boat if I don’t practice parallel parking.


  1. Feel like a million dollar: to feel well and healthy, both physically and mentally. Example: A quick swim in the morning makes me feel like a million dollars. What a beautiful day! It makes you feel like a million dollars.
  2. Once in a blue moon: Very rarely. Example: He used to call his grandma once a blue moon. Now that she has passed away, he regrets not making more of an effort to keep in touch.  
  3. It’s a piece of cake: A piece of cake refers to a task or job that’s easy to complete or accomplish. Example: I expected the English test to be difficult but it was a piece of cake..


  1. Under the weather: ill, sick, feeling unwell, sad or lacking energy . Example: My friends wanted me to go play with them at the park. However, I was feeling under the weather that day, so I stayed inside.


  1. Music to my ears: Something very pleasant to hear. Example: The news about my promotion is music to my ear.
  2. Lost at sea: to be confused about something or to feel unsure about what to do. Example: I am lost at sea with this new system at work. I just can’t understand it.
  3. Not one’s cup of tea: if something is not your cup of tea, it’s an activity you have no interest in, don’t enjoy or don’t do well in. Example: Camping is really not my cup of tea so I’m going to visit my friend in New York instead.

Group discussion and pair work

10 minutes



Teacher divides the students into 5 groups. Each group will be given 2 idioms. Groups will get ready to present these idioms by acting out and take short videos of their skit with their phones/ cameras, but without saying the idioms, they can use explanations or examples.

  1. group: when pigs fly, not one’s cup of tea.
  2. group: lost at sea, you are pulling my leg.
  3. group: music to my ear, all in the same boat.
  4. group: under the weather, feel like a million dollars.
  5. group: once in a blue moon, it’s a piece of cake.

Group work/act out/take short videos

10 minutes



Groups will send their short videos to teacher’s what’s app number. Teacher shows groups videos to the whole class. Other groups will watch and find/ discuss what idiom is that.

Group work, Class – open discussion

15 minutes


Homework and Evaluation

Evaluation will be formative. The teacher should pay attention to individual students to see who understands the topic and concepts discussed and who will need further explanation.


Homework: Students will study these idioms and find 2 more new idioms.


5 minutes for explanation of homework.


Groups will send their short videos to teacher’s what’s app number. Teacher shows groups videos to the whole class. Other groups will watch and find/ discuss what idiom is that.

Group work, Class – open discussion

15 minutes


Homework and Evaluation

Evaluation will be formative. The teacher should pay attention to individual students to see who understands the topic and concepts discussed and who will need further explanation.


Homework: Students will study these idioms and find 2 more new idioms.


5 minutes for explanation of homework.